Award Winning Email Hosting

A leading alternative to Microsoft Exchange for businesses and organizations that prefer a simple approach to IT.


Full-Featured Business-Class Email

Stay connected anytime, anywhere with Kerio Cloud hosted email. Kerio Cloud provides a reliable and scalable business communication platform in a high-performing secure cloud environment.

Kerio Cloud simplifies IT management by eliminating the need to deploy and manage an on-premises email. Intuitive and easy to use, Kerio Cloud delivers the level of security and support you expect from a professional email service. Kerio Cloud also layers comfortably on top of your current IT environment without sacrificing functionality or requiring end-users to make changes to the way they work.

Email Your Way

With Kerio Cloud you can use your own domain name with your email addresses, and is integrated with shared calendars and scheduling, contacts management, task, notes, shared and public folders, and instant messaging. Synchronize with direct push to your choice of mobile devices.

Full support for Outlook (Windows and Mac), native apps for Mac OS, and any other IMAP or POP compliant email client.


Kerio Connect Client via a web browser allows users to see the presence of colleagues, chat in real-time, organize meetings and securely compose richly formatted email.

Enter Your Text

Streamline Team Communication

  • Organize contacts into as many groups as you wish and share them with coworkers.
  • Create tasks and notes, sort them into groups, assign tasks to and share notes with colleagues.
  • Create recurring events and receive meeting reminders in your inbox and enjoy timesaving features like full-text search, address auto-complete, quick preview of attachments and draft auto-save.

Secure Your Data, Protect Your Privacy

Reduce inbox clutter of unwanted messages with multiple layers of spam filtering. Protect your network from viruses, Trojans, adware and spyware while minimizing impact on memory and system performance with the integrated anti-virus engine. Get powerful identity and content protection with SSL encryption and S/MIME.

All your data remains private, and is never used for ad targeting or product development.